Lottie Omerod Yoga Teacher

Lottie can remember her first class so vividly, “I walked into the studio and the wall of wet heat hit me like a ton of bricks! With everyone lying on their mats in the same direction and wearing very little clothing I thought I’d entered a communal sauna not a yoga studio!”

She’d been recommended by a friend to try a Hot Yoga class. In her friend’s words ‘It will change your life!’ Change my life? Not a chance! However, 10 minutes after her first lesson she found herself in front of the dairy chiller cabinet in the Tesco next door to the studio thinking she’d never felt so hot but so alive!

As a long time sufferer of anxiety she’d come to the conclusion that this was it for her; she would never be able to get on a plane without robust medication and she couldn’t use the underground or lifts. Her anxiety was in many ways controlling her. Then one day she found herself on the tube and a few months after that she was on a plane bound for New York! With a regular and consistent yoga practise she was taking back control of her nerves!

Four years after she finished training and eight years after taking her first ever class, she still loves and thrives on the energy of each and every lesson. Her passion for yoga has grown and her drive to want to understand and learn about different forms of yoga and how the mind and body are connected is stronger than ever!