Lucinda Harvey Yoga Teacher

Lucinda started her Yoga journey over 10 years ago, a natural progression following many years of dance training in her youth. However, in her early 20s, her other passion took over and she pursued a successful career within the fashion industry.  Throughout her fashion career, yoga and dance remained her escape and in her words “a world where I could just “be”, away from the stresses of corporate life.” 

Eventually she made the decision to give up my fashion career and train to become a Yoga Teacher. She completed her teacher training with Yoga London, in 2017 and went straight in to teaching full time. She is now an accredited Senior Yoga Teacher with Yoga Alliance, specialising in Vinyasa Flow, modified Ashtanga, Hatha & also Yin Yoga, having qualified with Yoga Alliance Professionals for teaching Yin in 2019. 

Her classes aim to help you to develop an understanding of what Yoga is for your own body, to allow you to clear your mind and be fully immersed in your practise, which will progress further every time you come to your mat. Classes are suitable for all levels.