Paula Wade Yoga Teacher

First stepping on to a yoga mat in 2006, primarily for the physical benefits, Paula found that a regular practice was not only helping to calm her incessant overthinking, it was providing her a sense of solitude within the city rat race.  This sparked a deeper interest and awareness which eventually led her down the path to becoming a Yoga Teacher. 

She has experience teaching mixed ability students, from those who enjoy a slow and soft de-stress after work to those that want to sweat it out in a hot class. Her teaching style stems from a background in classical Hatha yoga with some flow elements, a hint of humour, and an emphasis on appropriate alignment and safe progression through the asana. 

Paula is a British Wheel of Yoga accredited teacher, having completed her teacher training at London’s Triyoga under Jeff Phenix and Susannah Hoffman, and remains involved by assisting and mentoring new teacher trainees. Paula believes that yoga is for everybody and brings an inclusive and light hearted approach to her teaching.