A Strength to Relaxation Masterclass ONLINE

A Strength to Relaxation Masterclass ONLINE

When: Saturday 6th February 2021 14:00-16:00

With: Marianne Williams and Jonny Penn

Price: £19

Strength can mean so many different things. But it’s importance to our overall health is well proven.

Here we will explore the strength to be found in our physical practice with the use of props, blocks, straps and even a pole! And the body alignment that can be created to have a completely different experience within our everyday practice.

The medium of relaxation is the breath (pranayama). The practices involve guiding the respiration beyond its normal limit, stretching it, channelling it, speeding it up and slowing it down in order to experience the full range of respiration on both the gross and subtle levels.

Practicing breath-work is entirely self-generated and its quality can be refined and directed further in “Nidra” (an effective form of guided physiological and psychic rest). A single hour of Nidra is as restful as four hours of conventional sleep.

This masterclass is suitable for all levels.

About the Instructors

After 15 years in the fitness industry, Marianne began to study Ashtanga yoga before qualifying to teach, having gained her RYS at “It’s Yoga” in San Francisco under the tutelage of Larry Schultz in 2005. Ever since then, Marianne has been a big believer in practicing under as many esteemed teachers as possible in order the gain the most well rounded knowledge of yoga.

Jonny trained as a yoga teacher in Andalusia Spain, Rishikesh India and Malaysia, where he travelled and lived for 3 years. Since 2005, Jonny has been in constant practice and learning in the field of Ashtanga Vinyasa, Meditation and Sound Therapy. He most recently studied with Grand Gong Master Don Conreaux.