Flexibility Mobile - An Online Workshop

Flexibility Mobile – An Online Workshop

When: Saturday 20th March 2021 14:00-15:45

With: Marianne Williams

Price: £20

What are the key differences between flexibility and mobility?

What is more important?

What are your goals within your yoga practice?

With this workshop we are looking at how the two do go hand in hand to achieve a more well rounded approach to not only your yoga practice but to also sports you may play, and every day movement.

We will be using props to help illustrate different movement patterns and to high light how the body is very good and taking short cuts, which can lead to poor posture.

This workshop is open to all levels, and the props needed are easy to find household items.

About the Instructors

After 15 years in the fitness industry, Marianne began to study Ashtanga yoga before qualifying to teach, having gained her RYS at “It’s Yoga” in San Francisco under the tutelage of Larry Schultz in 2005. Ever since then, Marianne has been a big believer in practicing under as many esteemed teachers as possible in order the gain the most well rounded knowledge of yoga.