Andrew Jungworth Yoga Teacher

For Andrew, the inspiration and energy from the practice of yoga asana has been transformative. Through his practice over the years, he has gained insight into and has drawn upon the strength from a regular practice to slough off unwanted and unnecessary layers: unsatisfying careers, enervating work, situations of negative and challenging energy, destructive relationships (with people and things!) and… fried food and red wine (mostly. Friday evenings excepted). 

“Yeah, think my dharma and adharma still fight it out! But yoga most certainly is on my side in that struggle,” said somebody perceptively (not Andrew – but to which he subscribes).

In the course of leading and instructing hatha yoga asana (Bikram and vinyasa flow) he has been and continues to be inspired by many students’ dedication and their strong commitment to their yoga practice. “I am enriched by observing the benefits – physically, physiologically, emotionally and in subtle other ways – they’ve gained and have been empowered by through a regularly maintained practice. I am always energised by the warmth, strength and kindness of fellow dedicated yogis and yoginis.”