Meditation & Light Language Healing Workshop

Meditation & Light Language Healing Workshop

When: Sunday 10th October 2021 14:00-15:30

With: Siobhan Purcell

Price: £20

In this workshop, Siobhan will guide you into a relaxed state, followed by a deep heart meditation, preparing you to receive light language healing which speaks directly to your heart space, bypassing the logical mind. It may be sung, toned and/or spoken and is filtered so that you receive exactly what you need in accordance with your highest good. Many people recognise the vibration and are brought to tears and often express a feeling of deep peace, relaxation and healing at the end of class.

Siobhan also uses crystal bowls and music to enhance the experience.

This is a truly relaxing and transformative session.

Siobhan Purcell is an energy healer and has worked in the alternative community for more than 20 years. She is also a yoga teacher.